NoDepositKings Privacy & Cookies Policy (referred to as “we”, “us”) below processes personal information about visitors and customers (referred to as “you”) on our sites. We take steps to handle all personal information with care, secure it, and follow all laws related to data protection.

How This Policy Functions

This Policy’s function is to provide details about when, how, and why our website processes information that could be related to you (“personal data”). Our site also provides critical information about statutory rights you have. The purpose of this Policy is not to replace the terms of other contracts you currently have with us, or rights you may have from data protection legislation.

Click on a particular topic within the list below to learn more details about particular topics by following the different web links. We have already labelled different sections of the Policy so it is easier for you to navigate to the most relevant information for your needs.


1. Who has the responsibility to monitor your personal data?

2. Which personal data does our site process?

3. What purposes do we use your personal data for and when is your personal data processed by us?

4. Who is your personal data shared with?

5. Global Transfers

6. Direct Marketing

7. How long is your personal data kept for?

8. What rights do you have?

9. Cookie Policy

1. Who has the responsibility of monitoring your personal data? is mainly responsible for monitoring your personal information (Data Controller). A Data Controller is the company that decides the methods and goals of processing any personal data.

You ought to be aware that while we are mainly responsible for monitoring your personal information, data might be stored in databases that other companies might access. When they access your personal information all companies must comply with this Policy’s set standards.

2. What kind of personal data does our site process?

We might process the following types of personal information about you:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • IP address
  • Location data
  • Personal preferences

3. What purposes does our site use personal information for and when is your personal data processed? will collect data from you directly when you visit our sites or use our services.

We use personal information to:

  • send promotional emails out related to our products and services. Read Section 6 about Direct marketing.
  • evaluate data in our website’s databases and systems to run our websites and business better based on our user preferences, in order to provide improved user experience and service.
  • target and improve ads that you get from our site.
  • register you for a community or forum we make available, which you can provide comments in.
  • exercise or meet any of our legal rights or obligations

We only process personal information for the function defined in Section 3 and in places we are fully satisfied that:

You have given your consent that we can use the information for that purpose, or
Our usage of your personal information is required in order to support any ‘legitimate interests’ that our business has (e.g. to do analytics across all datasets or improve our products), in a proportionate way that honors your privacy.

4. Who is your personal data shared with?

Our website works with several third parties, in order to do business management and deliver various services. From time to time such third parties might need to access your personal information:

  • The provider of our mailing application Aweber Systems, Inc. based in the USA, who is certified by Privacy Shield as you can see here and processes personal data for us;
  • Our site’s plugin provider based in the USA Automattic, Inc. and host of who is Privacy Shield certified as you can see here and processes personal data for us;
  • Our providers of analytics (like Google, VWO, and Hotiar) who process personal information for their own functions as Data Controllers. Refer to our site’s Cookie Policy below so you can determine how you can avoid analytics providers from accessing your personal information.
  • Data processors or Service providers like cloud services that handle your personal information as per our instructions.
  • If we are required to protect our security or interest, or comply with legal obligations.
  • In the case we buy, sell, or re-organise any assets or business, or if a third party acquires our assets, which include protective buyers or sellers.

5. International Transfers

International Transfers refer to personal information being transferred to a nation outside the EU.

As stated in Section 4 above, our site might permit third parties located outside the EU to access your personal information.

We always take measures to make sure any global transfer of data is managed in a way to protect your interests and rights. If we receive a request for data from regulators or law enforcement is carefully checked prior to disclosing personal data.

You have the legal right to request more information regarding any safeguards we have set up as stated above. If you want additional information contact us (Section 8).

6. Direct Marketing

We will utilize your personal information to send direct marketing communications to you about products and services offered by us and our partners. This includes topics like financial services, sports betting, and online casino. This could be in the form of targeted online ads or email.

In some situations the processing of personal information for marketing purposes is based on our site’s legitimate interests (Section 3). This will be based on customer consent when the law requires it.

At any time you can refuse any future direct marketing. You can contact us (Section 8) or use the opt-out link found in all direct marketing communications.

We take various steps for limiting direct marketing to a level that is proportionate and reasonable, and to send communications that we think could be relevant or interesting to you, based on data about you that we have.

7. How long do we store personal information?

We keep your personal information as long as it is reasonable for the functions listed in this policy (Section 3).

In some cases we keep personal information for a particular period for purposes like accounting, tax, or legal requirements.

We have a policy for data retention for all personal information we store. In the case your personal data is not required any longer we will make sure it is made anonymous or securely deleted.

8. What are your personal rights?

You have various rights related to your personal information. You can find more information regarding each of the rights by reviewing to the table below.

In order to exercise your rights you can contact us by emailing: [email protected] or writing to NoDepositKings at the following address:

16 Clegg St
St Katharine’s & Wapping, London

You can request that we:

  • confirm if we are processing personal information;
  • provide a copy to you of such data;
  • give you other info regarding your personal information, such as the data we have, what it is used for, who it is disclosed to, if we transfer the data outside the EU, how we protect it, the length of time we keep it, the rights you have, how you can complain, where we obtain your data, and if we have performed any automated Profiling or Decision Making. This is done to the level that you have not provided data in the Policy.


You can request for us to rectify personal data that is inaccurate.

We might ask to verify the data’s accuracy before it is rectified


You can request for us to erase personal data but only in the case:

  • it is not needed any longer for the purpose it was collected for; or
  • you withdrew your consent (when processed was founded on consent); or
  • after a right to object (‘Objection’) was successful; or
  • It was unlawfully processed; or to meet legal obligations

Our site is not required to comply to user requests to erase personal data. If your personal data’s processing is necessary:

  • for legal obligation compliance; or
  • for establishment, defense, or exercise of legal claims;

There are also other situations when our site is not required to fulfill an erasure request, while these are the most likely two situations in which that request would be denied


You can request that we restrict (e.g. keep yet not use) personal information, but only in cases in which:

  • its accuracy is challenged (see Rectification), to let us verify the accuracy; or
  • the processing is unlawful, but it is not your wish for it to be erased; or
  • it is not needed any longer for the function it was collected for, but our site still requires it to create, defend, or exercise legal claims; or
  • you exercised the legal right to make an objection, and the pending validation of over-riding grounds is taking place.

We can keep utilizing your personal information after requests for restriction in cases where:

we received your consent; or
to create, defend, or exercise legal claims; or
to protect another legal person’s rights.


You have the right to ask our site to provide personal information to you in a format that is commonly used, structured, and machine-readable, or you could request for it to be ‘reported’ to another Direct Controller directly, but in every case this is only where:

  • processing is based either on your personal consent or on performance of a contract we have with you; and automated methods are used to do the processing.


You have the right to object legally to processing of any personal information that is based on our site’s ‘legitimate interests’ in the case you think your basic freedoms and rights are more important than our site’s legitimate interests.

We have the chance to show that we have solid legitimate interests that override your freedoms and rights.

International Transfers

You can request to receive a copy of, or refer to, any safeguards by which your personal information is transmitted outside the European Economic Area.

We might redact agreements for data transfer or related documents (e.g. obscure data in these documents) for purposes of business sensitivity

Supervisory Authority

You have the legal right to file a complaint with a particular supervisory authority regarding how we process your personal data.

We request that you first try to resolve any matters with us, while at any time you have the legal right to contact a supervisory authority.

9. Cookie Policy (Appendix A)

We use cookies

In order to provide you with a wide range of functions at our website, make our website’s use more convenient and comfortable, and recognize user preferences, our site uses “cookies.”

What are Cookies?

Such technology that includes a cookie or pixel is a tiny file or data saved on a computer/device when you visit websites. It allows the website to store your actions and preferences (like language, login, and display preferences like font size) during a certain period of time, so you can avoid re-entering them each time you return to the website or browse from one web page to another one.

Your options

When you use our site you are agreeing to the storage and use of cookies on your computer/device.

You generally can view our site without using cookies, but particular sections of the site might not work correctly or navigation will be slower.

In the case you do not want your computer/device to store cookies you can use your browser’s system setting to deactivate the related option. At any time you can also delete your system settings’ stored cookies.

Additional information about how to delete or deactivate cookies is found at this link: On the other hand, remember that in the case you do not accept cookies it could restrict our offerings’ functionality.

Categories of Cookies

Our website uses cookies for various functions and purposes.

Certain cookies are:

  • needed in strictly technical terms (or technical necessity)
  • used and stored for a particular period of time (or storage duration)
  • stored or placed by our site or a third party (or cookie provider)

Technical Necessity

Cookies that technically are:

Necessary: our site uses particular cookies as they are necessary strictly for the site and functions in order to work correctly. Such cookies are placed automatically on your computer/device in the case you access the site or a particular function, with the exception you reject cookies through your browser settings.

Not Necessary: There are particular cookies that are not needed in a strict sense but are put on a user’s computer/device to boost performance and convenience of our site or save particular settings that you made. In addition, we also use cookies that are in technical terms are not necessary to obtain data on how frequently particular sections of our website are used, so we can adjust to your requirements and needs in a more targeted way.

Storage Duration

Session Cookies: Particular cookies are needed only for your website session’s duration and are known as “session cookies.” This data becomes invalid or is erased when you leave our site or your session expirees. An example of the use of session cookies is to keep particular data during a session.

Permanent Cookies: Certain cookies are stored for longer periods of time. An example is allowing our site to recognize people later when they visit our site again and access their saved settings. For example, you can then access web pages quicker or with more convenience so there is no need to set particular options again like chosen language. After a set period permanent cookies are deleted automatically.

Flow Cookies: Such cookies are used for our company group to communicate via our internal servers. When you start navigating the site they are put on your computer/device then deleted after you are finished navigating on the site. Flow cookies do obtain a unique reference number but we are unable to make any decisions regarding the customer or real user.

Cookie Providers

Provider Cookies: Such cookies are put by our site or our website’s operator who we have commissioned.

Third-party Cookies: These used and stored by other websites or organisations, such as web analytics tools. Outside providers might also use cookies in order to integrate social network content like social plugins or display advertising. To get more information about Web analytics tools as well as measurement of reach read below in our cookie policy.

Using cookies for web analytics/reach measurement

Our site uses google Analytics, which is one of Google’s Web analytics services. Google Analytics utilizes cookies in order to identify how frequent certain sections of our site are used and to learn preferences. The data about your particular use of this site created by the cookie (e.g. shortened IP address) is transmitted to a USA-based Google server then stored there. Then Google uses the data to analyze your use of our site, create reports for us on website activity, and do other services related to website/Internet usage. Google might also transfer this data to various third parties when the law requires it or when third parties must process this data for Google.

You can use a browser add-on to deactivate Google Analytics if you want to end the use of website analytics. This link allows you to download the add-on:

The ad-on stores data matching up with your Google Analytics deactivation on your computer/device. It is important to take note that this variety of “opt out” will only deactivate Google Analytics for the browser and device where activation of the opt out took place. You might also need to reactive it in the case you delete your device’s cookies.

The most common cookies are:

Google Analytics
Google places this cookie. It allows our site to learn information related to the use of our website by users. That includes time of visit, pages viewed, whether user visited in the past, and websites visited before visiting our site.

Facebook Pixel
Facebook places this cookie. It allows our site to measure, build, and optimize audiences for ad campaigns that are served on the social platform.

One Signal
One Signal places this cookie. It lets our site remember you have subscribed to get push notifications. The cookie also allows our site to deliver customized notifications.

VWO places this cookie. It adds cookies in the browser of users and customers in order to identify users. These cookies contain no personal data. They might also store and collect data locally on devices by using tools like browser web storage.

Hotjar places this cookie. It stores non-personal data with the goal of giving you an improved website experience, analyze trends, and diagnose technical issues.

The tool Unbounce helps our website build improved landing pages. These cookies are used to store non-personal data in order to improve user experience and landing pages.

AdWords enables Google pay per click (PPC) campaigns.

Double Click
This is used for online advertisers and for advertising on more than one ad server.